100 lines
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100 lines
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from cfg import config
sql_statements = {
"update_proxies": {"sqlite": '''UPDATE proxies SET lasttime_could_not_be_used = ? WHERE proxy = ? '''
, "mysql": '''UPDATE proxies SET lasttime_could_not_be_used = %s WHERE proxy = %s '''}
, "get_proxies": {"sqlite": '''SELECT proxy, lasttime_could_not_be_used FROM proxies ORDER BY lasttime_could_not_be_used ASC'''
, "mysql": '''SELECT proxy, lasttime_could_not_be_used FROM proxies ORDER BY lasttime_could_not_be_used ASC'''}
, "insert_proxy": {"sqlite": "INSERT INTO proxies VALUES(?, 0)"
, "mysql": "INSERT INTO proxies VALUES(%s, 0)"}
, "proxy_in_db": {"sqlite": "SELECT proxy FROM proxies WHERE proxy = ?"
, "mysql": "SELECT proxy FROM proxies WHERE proxy = %s"}
, "insert_link": {"sqlite": "INSERT INTO links(source, destination) VALUES(?, ?)"
, "mysql": "INSERT INTO links(source, destination) VALUES(%s, %s)"}
, "count_failed_to_fetch": {"sqlite": "SELECT COUNT(page) FROM failed_to_fetch"
, "mysql": "SELECT COUNT(page) FROM failed_to_fetch"}
, "get_failed_to_fetch": {"sqlite": '''SELECT failed_to_fetch.depth, failed_to_fetch.page
FROM failed_to_fetch
, "mysql": '''SELECT failed_to_fetch.depth, failed_to_fetch.page
FROM failed_to_fetch
, "delete_failed_to_fetch": {"sqlite": "DELETE FROM failed_to_fetch WHERE page=?"
, "mysql": "DELETE FROM failed_to_fetch WHERE page=%s"}
, "count_links_from": {"sqlite": "SELECT COUNT(source) FROM links WHERE source=?"
, "mysql": "SELECT COUNT(source) FROM links WHERE source=%s"}
, "insert_failed_to_fetch": {"sqlite": "INSERT INTO failed_to_fetch(page, depth) VALUES(?, ?)"
, "mysql": "INSERT INTO failed_to_fetch(page, depth) VALUES(%s, %s)"}
, "count_links_to": {"sqlite": "SELECT COUNT(destination) FROM links WHERE destination=?"
, "mysql": "SELECT COUNT(destination) FROM links WHERE destination=%s"}
, "dijkstra_backtrack_one": {"sqlite": '''SELECT links.source
FROM links
LEFT JOIN dijkstra_helper ON links.destination=dijkstra_helper.page
WHERE links.destination=?
ORDER BY dijkstra_helper.value ASC
LIMIT 1'''
, "mysql": '''SELECT links.source
FROM links
LEFT JOIN dijkstra_helper ON links.destination=dijkstra_helper.page
WHERE links.destination=%s
ORDER BY dijkstra_helper.value ASC
LIMIT 1'''}
, "get_page_id": {"sqlite": "SELECT rowid FROM pages WHERE title=?"
, "mysql": "SELECT page_id FROM pages WHERE title=%s"}
, "insert_page": {"sqlite": "INSERT INTO pages(title) VALUES(?)"
, "mysql": "INSERT INTO pages(title) VALUES(%s)"}
, "get_page_title": {"sqlite": "SELECT title FROM pages WHERE rowid=?"
, "mysql": "SELECT title FROM pages WHERE page_id=%s"}
, "dijkstra_insert_pages": {"sqlite": '''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO dijkstra_helper(page)
SELECT rowid FROM pages
, "mysql": '''INSERT IGNORE INTO dijkstra_helper(page)
SELECT page_id FROM pages
, "dijkstra_set_infinity": {"sqlite": "UPDATE dijkstra_helper SET value=1e1000"
, "mysql": "UPDATE dijkstra_helper SET value=2147483647"}
, "dijkstra_get_to_update": {"sqlite": '''SELECT page
FROM dijkstra_helper
LEFT JOIN links ON links.destination=dijkstra_helper.page
WHERE links.source=?
AND dijkstra_helper.value>?'''
, "mysql": '''SELECT page
FROM dijkstra_helper
LEFT JOIN links ON links.destination=dijkstra_helper.page
WHERE links.source=%s
AND dijkstra_helper.value>%s'''}
, "dijkstra_update": {"sqlite": '''UPDATE dijkstra_helper
SET value=?
WHERE page IN (
SELECT destination
FROM links
WHERE source=?)
AND dijkstra_helper.value>?'''
, "mysql": '''UPDATE dijkstra_helper
SET value=%s
WHERE page IN (
SELECT destination
FROM links
WHERE source=%s)
AND dijkstra_helper.value>%s'''}
, "dijkstra_set_root": {"sqlite": "UPDATE dijkstra_helper SET value=0 WHERE page=?"
, "mysql": "UPDATE dijkstra_helper SET value=0 WHERE page=%s"}
, "get_all_page_ids": {"sqlite": "SELECT rowid FROM pages"
, "mysql": "SELECT page_id FROM pages"}
, "get_links": {"sqlite": "SELECT source, destination FROM links"
, "mysql": "SELECT source, destination FROM links"}
, "delete_dijkstra": {"sqlite": "DELETE FROM dijkstra_helper"
, "mysql": "DELETE FROM dijkstra_helper"}
, "insert_dijkstra_values": {"sqlite": "INSERT INTO dijkstra_helper(page, value) VALUES(?, ?)"
, "mysql": "INSERT INTO dijkstra_helper(page, value) VALUES(%s, %s)"}
statements = {name: statement[config["sql_method"]] for name, statement in sql_statements.items()}