import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class StochastikIterator(object): def __init__(self, r, num_simulations, chi0, std_deviation, maxiter=None): self._r = r self._num_simulations = num_simulations self._chi0 = chi0 self._std_deviation = std_deviation self._maxiter=maxiter self._chi = None self._currentiter = None def __iter__(self): self._currentiter = 0 self._chi = np.array([self._chi0] * self._num_simulations, dtype=np.float64) return self def __next__(self): if(self._maxiter and self._currentiter == self._maxiter): raise StopIteration() self._currentiter += 1 result = self._chi.copy() self._chi *= np.exp(r - np.random.normal(scale=self._std_deviation, size=self._num_simulations)) return result def do(self, iters=None): if(not (iters or self._maxiter)): raise ValueError("iters or maxiter must be specified") if(iters): until = iters if(self._maxiter and (not iters or (iters and self._maxiter < iters))): until = self._maxiter self._currentiter = 0 self._chi = np.array([self._chi0] * self._num_simulations, dtype=np.float64) for i in range(until): self._chi *= np.exp(r - np.random.normal(scale=self._std_deviation, size=self._num_simulations)) return self._chi.copy() mean_chi = lambda r: np.mean(StochastikIterator(r, 500, 100, 0.25).do(70)) for r in [0.05, 0, -0.05]: print("r =", r, "\t = ", mean_chi(r)) R = np.arange(-4, 4, 0.01) M = [mean_chi(r) for r in R] plt.plot(R, M, label="$<\\chi>$")