import tkinter messages = {"python": "Ok do that" , "C": "Ok that is fine" , "Fortran": "Weird but ok" , "Perl": "Go back to your BDSM buddies" , "Haskell": "Weird flex but ok" } root = tkinter.Tk() selection = tkinter.StringVar() textbox = tkinter.Text(root, height=1, width=30) textbox.pack(anchor=tkinter.W) def on_selection_changed(): my_selection = selection.get() on_selection_changed_callback(my_selection) for s in messages.keys(): r = tkinter.Radiobutton(root, text=s, command=on_selection_changed , variable=selection , value=s) r.pack(anchor=tkinter.W) def on_selection_changed_callback(selection): textbox.delete("1.0", tkinter.END) textbox.insert(tkinter.END, messages[selection]) root.mainloop()