Projekt2 basically finished. I might have to uncomment something.

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Knüttel 2018-12-06 23:08:59 +01:00
parent 9e7b908db7
commit 61dea9215d

Projekt2_Knuettel_Daniel.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
// Daniel Knüttel Aufgabe2
* Copyright(c) 2018 Daniel Knüttel
/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Dieses Programm ist Freie Software: Sie können es unter den Bedingungen
* der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation,
* Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Wahl) jeder neueren
* veröffentlichten Version, weiterverbreiten und/oder modifizieren.
* Dieses Programm wird in der Hoffnung, dass es nützlich sein wird, aber
* OHNE JEDE GEWÄHRLEISTUNG, bereitgestellt; sogar ohne die implizite
* Siehe die GNU General Public License für weitere Details.
* Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem
* Programm erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, siehe <>.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "lib/lrmp.h"
* General Information:
* This program will print all the required (N, error) information to stdout,
* messages to the user are printed to stderr. Typically the output of
* this program will be piped into to create some plots.
* ./main | python3
* to do so.
* Compilation:
* gcc -o main -lm Projekt2_Knuettel_Daniel.c lib/lrmp.c lib/vorrueckwaertsub.c
#define abs(x) (x < 0 ? (-1)*x : x)
* \brief Calculate the next interval for the bisection
* using the current interval x_minus, x_plus.
* \param x_minus Lower boundary of the interval. Will be updated to the next
* search interval. If the search has been sucessful, this will
* be the result.
* \param x_plus Upper boundary of the interval.
* Will be updated to the next search interval.
* \param f Used function.
* \param eps If f(x) < eps, stop.
* \return 0, if nothing happened, 0xf000, if f(x_min) < eps.
* */
int bisec_one(double * x_minus
, double * x_plus
, double (*f)(double)
, double eps);
* \brief Calculate f(x) < eps using bisection. Note that this requires: f(a)f(b) < 0.
* For functions not meeting this requirement the behaviour of this function is
* undefined. It might however converge to the boundaries a or b.
* \param f Used function.
* \param a Lower boundary of the interval to search in.
* \param b Upper boundary of the interval to search in.
* \param eps Used precision.
* \param Nmax Stop searching after Nmax iterations.
* \param flag Will be set to 0xf000, if the goal has been reached,
* to 0xf001, if Nmax has been reached.
* Any other value indicates an unknown error.
* \param file The function will not use this parameter, it is there just
* for backwards compability.
* \return The last x_minus which is the result of the bisection, if *flag = 0xf000,
* or the closest the function was, when it hit Nmax.
* */
double bisek(double (*f)(double)
, double a
, double b
, double eps
, int Nmax
, int * flag
, FILE * file);
* \brief Calculate f(x) < eps using bisek and write the results to file.
* \param f Used function.
* \param a Lower boundary of the interval to search in.
* \param b Upper boundary of the interval to search in.
* \param eps Used precision.
* \param Nmax Stop searching after Nmax iterations.
* \param flag Will be set to 0xf000, if the goal has been reached,
* to 0xf001, if Nmax has been reached.
* Any other value indicates an unknown error.
* \param file Write ``Nmax,error\n`` to this file.
* \param x0 The real result for bisek.
* */
int write_error_bisek(double (*f)(double)
, double a
, double b
, double eps
, int Nmax
, int * flag
, FILE * file
, double x0);
* \brief Calculate f(x) < eps or a minimum of f.
* \param x0 The starting point for the calculation
* \param f The function that should be used
* \param df The differential of f, must be continuous
* \param eps The precision
* \param Nmax The maximal number of iterations
* \param flag Flag indicating the status of the calculation.
* 0xe000: Precision has been hit. f(x) < eps.
* 0xe001: Nmax has been hit f(x) > eps.
* 0xe002: Found a minimum of f (<= df(x) = 0)
* \param file Unused. See write_error_newton. Only for legacy reasons.
* \return x Such that the condition in flag is met.
* */
double newton(double x0
, double (*f)(double)
, double (*df)(double)
, double eps
, int Nmax
, int * flag
, FILE * file);
* \brief Calculate f(x) < eps or a minimum of f. And write the results to file
* \param x0 The starting point for the calculation
* \param f The function that should be used
* \param df The differential of f, must be continuous
* \param eps The precision
* \param Nmax The maximal number of iterations
* \param flag Flag indicating the status of the calculation.
* 0xe000: Precision has been hit. f(x) < eps.
* 0xe001: Nmax has been hit f(x) > eps.
* 0xe002: Found a minimum of f (<= df(x) = 0)
* \param file Write "N,error\n" to file. error is calculated from the
* expected value x1.
* \param x1 Real result of the newton method.
* \return x Such that the condition in flag is met.
* */
double write_error_newton(double x0
, double (*f)(double)
, double (*df)(double)
, double eps
, int Nmax
, int * flag
, FILE * file
, double x1);
* \brief Calculate one step of the newton iteration.
* \param x The current value for the newton iteration.
* For nonzero return values x is unchanged, for
* zero return values x is updated according to the newton
* algorithm.
* \param f The function that should be used
* \param df The differential of f, must be continuous
* \param eps The precision
* \return if f(x) < eps: 0xe000
* if df(x) < eps: 0xe002
* else: 0x0000
* */
int newton_one(double * x
, double (*f)(double)
, double (*df)(double)
, double eps);
* \brief Calculate the multi dimensional newton iteration.
* \param N Dimension of the system
* \param x0 Starting point
* \param f Used function
* \param df Differential of f
* \param fx Result of the calculation
* \param Nmax The maximal number of iterations
* \param eps Precision
* \return If the calculation suceeded (ie |f(x)| < eps): 0xe000
* If df(x) is not regulary: 0xe002
* If Nmax has been hit: 0xe001
* */
int newton_mult(int N
, double * x0
, void (*f)(double *, double *, int)
, void (*df)(double *, double **, int)
, double *fx
, int Nmax
, double eps);
* \brief Calculate one iteration for newton_mult
* \param N Dimension of the system
* \param x Current point.
* For nonzero retirn values x is unchanged, for
* zero return values x is updated according to the newton
* algorithm.
* \param f Used function
* \param df Differential of f
* \param eps Precision
* \return if f(x) < eps: 0xe000
* if df(x) < eps: 0xe002
* else: 0x0000
* */
int newton_mult_one(int N
, double * x
, void (*f)(double *, double *, int)
, void (*df)(double *, double **, int)
, double eps);
* \brief Copy from src to dst
* \param N Dimension of the vector
* \param dst Destination
* \param src Source
* \return 0
* */
int vector_copy(int N
, double * dst
, double * src);
* \brief Compute the modulus of vector x
* \param N Dimension of x
* \param x Vector x
* \return The modulus
* */
double modulus(int N
, double * x);
// The test functions in one dimension.
double g1(double x);
double g2(double x);
double dg1(double x);
double dg2(double x);
// The test functio in 2D
void g(double * x, double * y, int N);
void dg(double * x, double ** y, int N);
int main(void)
int i, j;
int flag;
double result;
// // Calculate the bisection of g1.
// for(i = 1, j = 0; i < 100 ;i += 1, j++)
// {
// write_error_bisek(g1, -2.5, -100, 1e-7, i, &flag, stdout, -6);
// }
// printf("XXX\n");
// fprintf(stderr, "wrote %d lines for g1 to /dev/stdout\n", j);
// // Calculate the bisection of g2.
// // Note that the output of this will be basically crap, because
// // g2 does not meet the requirements for a bisection.
// for(i = 1, j = 0; i < 100 ;i += 1, j++)
// {
// write_error_bisek(g2, -2.5, -100, 1e-7, i, &flag, stdout, -6);
// }
// printf("XXX\n");
// fprintf(stderr, "wrote %d lines for g2 to /dev/stdout\n", j);
// // Calculate the newton iteration of g1.
// for(i = 1, j = 0; i < 100 ;i += 1, j++)
// {
// write_error_newton(-100, g1, dg1, 1e-7, i, &flag, stdout, -6);
// }
// printf("XXX\n");
// fprintf(stderr, "wrote %d lines for g1 to /dev/stdout\n", j);
// // Calculate the newton iteration of g2.
// // Note that the output of this will be basically crap, because
// // g2 does not meet the requirements for the newton iteration.
// for(i = 1, j = 0; i < 100 ;i += 1, j++)
// {
// write_error_newton(-100, g2, dg1, 1e-7, i, &flag, stdout, -6);
// }
// printf("XXX\n");
// fprintf(stderr, "wrote %d lines for g2 to /dev/stdout\n", j);
// Calculate the multi dimensional newton iteration
// Allocate and initialzie the two starting points.
double * x1 = malloc(sizeof(double) * 2)
, * x2 = malloc(sizeof(double) * 2);
x1[0] = -0.5;
x1[1] = 1.4;
x2[0] = -0.14;
x2[1] = 1.47;
double * x = malloc(sizeof(double) * 2);
// use x1
flag = newton_mult(2, x1, g, dg, x, 100, 1e-7);
fprintf(stderr, "newton_mult -> %x\n", flag);
// calculate g(x)
g(x, x1, 2);
fprintf(stderr, "result: (%.4e, %.4e), f(%.4e, %.4e) = (%.4e, %.4e)\n"
, x[0], x[1]
, x[0], x[1]
, x1[0], x1[1]);
// use x2
flag = newton_mult(2, x2, g, dg, x, 100, 1e-7);
fprintf(stderr, "newton_mult -> %x\n", flag);
// calculate g(x)
g(x, x2, 2);
fprintf(stderr, "result: (%.4e, %.4e), f(%.4e, %.4e) = (%.4e, %.4e)\n"
, x[0], x[1]
, x[0], x[1]
, x2[0], x2[1]);
return 0;
double g1(double x)
return (x + 6) * (x*x + 1);
double g2(double x)
double result = 1;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
result *= (x + 6);
return result;
double dg1(double x)
return 3*x*x + 12*x + 1;
double dg2(double x)
double result = 4;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
result *= (x + 6);
return result;
int bisec_one(double * x_minus
, double * x_plus
, double (*f)(double)
, double eps)
double a = *x_minus
, b = *x_plus;
double x_m = (b + a) / 2.0;
double y_m = f(x_m);
if(y_m < 0)
// We hit precision.
if(y_m > -1 * eps)
*x_minus = x_m;
return 0xf000;
// Continue.
*x_minus = x_m;
*x_plus = b;
return 0;
// We hit precision.
if(y_m < eps)
*x_minus = x_m;
return 0xf000;
// Continue.
*x_minus = a;
*x_plus = x_m;
return 0;
double bisek(double (*f)(double)
, double a
, double b
, double eps
, int Nmax
, int * flag
, FILE * file)
double x_minus = a
, x_plus = b;
if(a > b)
x_minus = b;
x_plus = a;
int i;
int status;
for(i = 0; i < Nmax; i++)
// Calculate the next interval.
status = bisec_one(&x_minus, &x_plus, f, eps);
// We have hit precision.
*flag = status;
return x_minus;
// We ran out of iterations.
*flag = 0xf001;
return x_minus;
int write_error_bisek(double (*f)(double)
, double a
, double b
, double eps
, int Nmax
, int * flag
, FILE * file
, double x0)
double result
, error;
result = bisek(f, a, b, eps, Nmax, flag, file);
if(*flag & 0xff)
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: bisek(..., eps = %.10e, Nmax = %d, ...) hit Nmax.\n", eps, Nmax);
if(!(*flag & 0xff00))
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: bisek flag is invalid.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "bisek(<f>, %.10e, %.10e, %.10e, %d, &(%x), <FILE>) -> %.10e\n", a, b, eps, Nmax, *flag, result);
error = x0 - result;
fprintf(stderr, "x0 = %.10e, result = %.10e, error = %.10e\n", x0, result, error);
// Shold we allow negative errors? It is mathematically incorrect but
// more interesting.
// if(error < 0)
// {
// error *= -1;
// }
return fprintf(file, "%d,%.10e\n", Nmax, error);
int newton_one(double * x
, double (*f)(double)
, double (*df)(double)
, double eps)
double y, yd;
y = f(*x);
yd = df(*x);
fprintf(stderr, "f(%.4e) -> %.4e; df(%.4e) -> %.4e\n", *x, y, *x, yd);
if(abs(y) < eps)
return 0xe000;
if(abs(yd) < eps)
return 0xe002;
*x -= y / yd;
fprintf(stderr, "set new x: %.4e\n", *x);
return 0;
double newton(double x0
, double (*f)(double)
, double (*df)(double)
, double eps
, int Nmax
, int * flag
, FILE * file)
int i;
int status = 0;
double x = x0;
for(i = 0; i < Nmax && !status; i++)
status = newton_one(&x, f, df, eps);
*flag = status;
*flag = 0xe001;
return x;
double write_error_newton(double x0
, double (*f)(double)
, double (*df)(double)
, double eps
, int Nmax
, int * flag
, FILE * file
, double x1)
double result, error;
result = newton(x0, f, df, eps, Nmax, flag, file);
if(*flag & 0xff)
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: newton(..., eps = %.4e, Nmax = %d, ...) hit Nmax or min.\n", eps, Nmax);
if(!(*flag & 0xff00))
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: newton flag is invalid.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "newton(%.4e, <f>, <df>, %.4e, %d, &(%x), <FILE>) -> %.4e\n", x0, eps, Nmax, *flag, result);
error = x1 - result;
fprintf(stderr, "x1 = %.4e, result = %.4e, error = %.4e\n", x1, result, error);
// Shold we allow negative errors? It is mathematically incorrect but
// more interesting.
// if(error < 0)
// {
// error *= -1;
// }
return fprintf(file, "%d,%.10e\n", Nmax, error);
int newton_mult(int N
, double * x0
, void (*f)(double *, double *, int)
, void (*df)(double *, double **, int)
, double *fx
, int Nmax
, double eps)
int i, status = 0;
double * x = malloc(sizeof(double) * N);
vector_copy(N, x, x0);
for(i = 0; i < Nmax && !status; i++)
status = newton_mult_one(N, x, f, df, eps);
vector_copy(N, fx, x);
return status;
return 0xe001;
int newton_mult_one(int N
, double * x
, void (*f)(double *, double *, int)
, void (*df)(double *, double **, int)
, double eps)
int i, status;
double * b;
int * p;
double ** A;
fprintf(stderr, "newton_mult_one(..., (%.4e, %4e, ...), ...)\n", x[0], x[1]);
p = malloc(sizeof(int) * N);
b = malloc(sizeof(double) * N);
// f(x) = b
f(x, b, N);
// check if the precision is already met.
if(modulus(N, b) < eps)
return 0xe000;
// Allocate A and calculate df(x) = A
A = malloc(sizeof(double *) * N);
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
A[i] = malloc(sizeof(double) * N);
df(x, A, N);
// We have to solve (As = -f(x) = -b), so multiply result b by -1.
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
b[i] *= -1;
// Try to solve
status = Solve(N, A, b, p);
// df(x) is not regular.
// Basically we are in a minimum or a saddle point.
status = 0xe002;
// Clean up & return
goto exit;
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
// Does Solve invert the swaps automatically
// or do I have to take care of that?
// Crappy docs!
x[i] += b[i];
// Clean up & go.
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
return status;
int vector_copy(int N
, double * dst
, double * src)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
dst[i] = src[i];
return 0;
double modulus(int N, double * x)
int i;
double result = 0;
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
result += x[i]*x[i];
return sqrt(result);
void g(double * x, double * y, int N)
// Well idk. Should not happen.
// At least prevent SegFault.
if(N < 2)
y[0] = (x[0] + 3)*(x[1]*x[1]*x[1] - 7) + 18;
y[1] = sin(x[1]*exp(x[0]) -1);
void dg(double * x, double ** y, int N)
if(N < 2)
y[0][0] = x[1]*x[1]*x[1] - 7;
y[0][1] = 3*(x[0] + 3)*x[1]*x[1];
y[1][0] = cos(x[1]*exp(x[0]) - 1)*exp(x[0])*x[1];
y[1][1] = cos(x[1]*exp(x[0]) - 1)*exp(x[0]);