some work

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Knuettel 2024-04-16 19:39:50 +02:00
parent f8a029545b
commit 8fac4e5aff
2 changed files with 119 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -9,3 +9,6 @@ edition = "2021"
name = "make_prompt"
path = "src/"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::io::BufRead;
fn fixed_width(input: &String, len: usize) -> String
@ -11,9 +13,9 @@ fn fixed_width(input: &String, len: usize) -> String
let cut_to = len - 2_usize;
let start_from = clen - cut_to;
let cutted_result = &input[start_from..];
let mut result: String = cutted_result.to_owned();
let mut result: String = String::from(PLACE_HOLDER);
return result;
@ -69,11 +71,107 @@ fn battery_info(width_to: usize) -> String
fn do_get_git_branch(cwd: & std::path::Path) -> String
let default = String::from("");
match git2::Repository::discover(cwd)
Ok(repo) => {
match repo.head()
Ok(head) => {
match head.shorthand()
Some(branch) => String::from(branch),
None => default
Err(_) => default
Err(_) => default
fn get_git_branch(cwd: & std::path::Path) -> String
format!("{}", do_get_git_branch(cwd))
fn head<T: Read>(from: T, nlines: u64) -> String
let mut res = String::new();
let mut i = 0;
let mut reader = BufReader::new(from);
i += 1;
if i > nlines
let mut line = String::new();
let _len = reader.read_line(&mut line);
res.push_str(& line);
fn cut_f(input: &String, delimiter: &str, field: u32) -> String
let mut i = 1;
for fld in input.split(delimiter)
if i < field
i += 1;
return {
if fld.ends_with('\n')
fld[..fld.len() - 1].to_string()
fn get_editor() -> String
match std::env::var("EDITOR")
Ok(editor) => match std::process::Command::new(editor).arg("--version").stdout(std::process::Stdio::piped()).spawn()
Ok(child) => match child.stdout
Some(out) => cut_f(&head(out, 1), "-", 1),
None => {eprintln!("editor --version did not give stdout"); String::from("")}
Err(_) => {eprintln!("failed to spawn editor"); String::from("")}
Err(_) => {eprintln!("failed to get $EDITOR"); String::from("")}
fn shell_color_str<T: std::fmt::Display>(string_in: &T, color: &str) -> String
fn getenv(varname: &str) -> String
match std::env::var(varname)
Ok(hostname) => hostname,
Err(_) => "".to_string()
fn main()
@ -115,14 +213,25 @@ fn main()
print!("{}{}", shell_color_str(&"┌[", SH_GREEN), battery_info(12));
println!("{}", shell_color_str(&"]", SH_GREEN));
print!("{}{}", shell_color_str(&"┌[", SH_GREEN)
, battery_info(12));
print!("{}{}", shell_color_str(&"|", SH_GREEN)
, fixed_width(&get_git_branch(& std::path::Path::new(&cwd)), 12));
print!("{}{}", shell_color_str(&"|", SH_GREEN)
, fixed_width(&get_editor(), 10));
print!("{}{}", shell_color_str(&"|", SH_GREEN)
, fixed_width(lastexit, 4));
println!("{}", shell_color_str(&"]┐", SH_GREEN));
print!("{}", shell_color_str(&"╞[", SH_GREEN));
println!("{}", shell_color_str(&"]", SH_GREEN));
print!("{}{}", shell_color_str(&"╞[", SH_GREEN)
, fixed_width(&getenv("HOSTNAME"), 12));
print!("{}{}", shell_color_str(&"|", SH_GREEN)
, fixed_width(&getenv("USER"), 10));
println!("{}", shell_color_str(&"]┘", SH_GREEN));
print!("{} {}", shell_color_str(&"╞>", SH_GREEN)